Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Movin on Up

So, when I graduated from World Class I moved to Asheville North Carolina and began school at AB Tech to become a Paramedic. I even got to spend a week down in Atlanta doing clinicals at Grady, in downtown Atlanta. I was in school for 5 semesters straight.
I even got to do Hazardous Materials training. My medic class was pretty sweet. We did a lot of fun things... and lot of boring things, ie. sitting in class.
We got to spray fire hoses as Eric Stalowy is demonstrating here. Dont try this at home kids
But while I was in class, I made skittle art. I also made it through college watching kayaking videos wishing that I could be kayaking. As most kayakers do when they are 20 and in college. I would stare out the windows when it was raining and dream about the rivers I could be running and the boofs I could be doing.
But when they let us out of the class room we were busy saving lives, putting fires out, and taking cats out of trees. I loved the clinicals and being able to spend time outside, as any person of my mentality would.
But, boofing got in the way of my studying and this rapid called Big Boy of Raven Fork broke my nose. I figured out that I didn't want to be a Paramedic I figured out that I wanted to be a kayaker. A good kayaker, a really good kayaker.
So I loaded up and went kayaking. Did what I was put in Asheville to do, run the SHIT!! Still trying to get a few credits for my last semester, even though I wouldn't graduate.
I got to go to places in Western North Carolina like the Road Prong, Raven Fork, Toxaway, West Fork of the French Broad, and of corse the Green River.
I got to paddle with people like Robin Betz, Polk Deiters, and Jon Grace. I was stoked to be able to paddle almost all the time and get better at paddling while I was doing it.
So finally I got done with school and Jon Grace (pictured above) asked me to go to Idaho with him. So... inevitably I got to live my dream and headed West to Idaho and Colorado for the summer.
The view from a cliff on the South Fork of the Salmon. Middle of nowhere, Idaho.

Happy Holidays!!

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